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This is the 2nd architectural object on my layout.  It is the first time I have built a water tank and again something of this size.  I didn’t have a clue as to where to start, and like I usually do is just do it.  I didn’t find any plans on the web about what I wanted, especially in 0n30 size. Using the rolling stock as a gauge it just seemed that it was to be this size.

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Except for the NBW’s and the chain all parts of this tank are hand built. It took me a couple of weeks to build.  I used styrene sheet for the tank glued around a couple of styrene circles, in diminishing sizes.   That is the only plastic parts.   The tank boards are tapered each 3rd board as the tank is tapered to the top.  The bands are 6 strand wire twisted to make cables. The legs are jointed together.   I made the spout of sheet brass solderd. together.

Most Water Tanks have a ladder coming at an angle from the ground up. To me it was too long to make and use. I decided to make a stair step version.

I think someone shot the water tank and it started leaking.  Enough so that it is forming a Vernal pool and plants are starting to grow.  It is monofilament line with woodland scenics instant water goopy stuff  on the line to look like the stream is breaking up.

My layout does not have much ground water, so the next thing was to install a pump to get the water into the tank.  I took a 1/72 scale ww2 model jeep engine, and kit-bashed it a lot to fit here.  The gasoline tank is again made from rolled sheet brass and soldered ends and straps. You can see the pump and the pipe going to the tank to fill’er up.










Finding brass items is non existent for this size. I made the spout of thin sheet brass rolled in a taper and soldered. another tapered sheet for the end spout.  The hinge is sheet brass and tube. It does work. I glued the pulleys in place as I kept knocking the spout and did not want to break it.

The cables are thin copper wire, 6 strands, twisted into a cable an attached with cut off ends of an I beam for the supports. This one is  broken. the replacement is on the engine platform waiting to be installed.

The roof is strathmore board supports with flat black paper  as rolled roofing. I put on 3 layers on the edges so on can see the layers as if the roof was coming up there.  You can see the torn part on the roof.