Stock Pen

A holding area for Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Kangaroos, railroads had stock pens at various places to be used for companies to load onto the railroad for movement.  The Livestock needed some place to stay the night on long hauls so these B&B’s were made for that occasion.


 Left - an overview of the pens from the end of the Wye.  Right -  Banta Models is responsible for the stock pen here.  It was a double deck loader, but I had to fit it to my layout and the area it is in.  It took a lot of kitbashing to make the curved loading ramp as seen here.


 I “welded” steel rod together to make the BS in the cloud ornament on the cows ”stairway to Heaven” aka Stock Car.


 The wings on the loading ramp extend out to allow for the gates to be positioned where ever the stock car door is on the ramp.  They are movable and extend outward as needed.


 A couple of the Bulls have formed the cows into a lineup for inspection.

The kit has provisions for 6 gates like the one here, but I used one. I made my own hinges to be able to operate the gate. The hinges are simple brass wire at 90deg angles inserted into the top and bottom of the post for the gate and then horizontally into the support column.  I use the same type hinges on the small entrance gate to the ramp and the wing extenders.  A little detail, is a cardboard sign to “close the gate”!


 Night lighting is now in place.


 The Co. has hired a year round “watchman / Handyman. He has moved his trailer onto the site and is making himself at home on the range.
