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The  Hoist Engine

Here is the Hoist Engine which will pull the cable in and out of the Mine Shaft.  This is a very detailed model kit by Wiseman Model Services . It is of white metal. It was pretty hard to work with as the instructions had a very faint picture only sheet to look at.

hoistengine2 hoistengine8

I am really happy with my chalk rust applications here. They are applied over the base paint of green. The engine is mounted on a concrete pad.  It will hook up to a steam boiler.The idea of this engine is that it is setting out in the weather, hasn’t been used for a while, hence the rust, but they have reworked it and it runs again. You can see the side rodes and bearings are cleaner and have lubrication stains on them. New protective covering on the steam pipes to protect the operator from the hot steam pipes.


A storage and repair shed . A water line for the steam boiler for powering the winch.  Coal for the boiler.



Barrel and can of oil for lubrication for the Engine Hoist